Monday, August 25, 2008

Crime Does Pay

You think about stopping to turn and fight, and just as you think this you feel strong arms grab you around the waist. You fall to the ground and feel the weight of your attacker as he falls on you. Somehow you're still holding the suitcase although your uni bag has broken open and there are books and pens around where you have fallen. Your attacker grabs your coat, trying to pull your arm away from the suitcase. Using your other hand you grab what you think is his hair, but it is only the curls of the clown mask. You pull it anyway and are amazed to see it is your brother under the mask! You yell out his name, and it takes him a second to realise it's you. When he does you both start laughing from exhaustion as much as relief.
After you recover he explains that his newpaper delivery is just a front for an extensive crime ring, and the money in the suitcase is his retirement fund. He was planning on moving to somewhere sunny by the ocean, with girls and cocktails but accidently lost the suitcase last night. Seeing as how you found it, your brother rewards you by taking you with him and funding your early retirement as well.
You spend the rest of your days together lying in deck chairs being served rum on ice by pretty girls. Every now and then you send your mother a postcard.
The End.
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